Red Rock Bowmen
Southern Utah Archery Club
Q: Do I have to be a member of the Club to shoot at 3-D events?
A: No. For 3-D shoots, members pay $10 where a non-member fee is $15.
Q: How often will you be setting up the 3-D targets?
A: We have a collection of 58 Rinehart targets, along with a few others. It is our goal to have them set up once a month, 12 months out of the year, with a few exceptions. We will be having some “event” style shoots, but most months they will just be “fun-shoots”. See the "Shoot Info" page for more information.
Q: How much does it cost to shoot at the range?
A: Non-members are asked to pay an $5 usage fee and members shoot free. There is a fee box and forms located at the south end of the “sight-in” range, where the trail for the walk-through field range begins.
Q: How do I join the Club?
A: Applications are generally available at Sportsman’s Warehouse or TNT Archery or you can get an application by contacting any of the board members on the “Contacts” page. Applications are also available to print off from this website on the “Membership" page”.
Q: Are crossbows allowed at range?
A: No, crossbows are not allowed at anytime.
Q: Am I allowed to shoot broadheads on the range.
A: No, broadheads destroy the targets.
Q: How can I support your Club if I am not an avid archer?
A: First, we encourage EVERYONE to get out and experience archery…give it a try! However you need not be an avid archer in order to help support our purpose or organization. You can simply join and your membership fees will go toward helping us better our facilities, and programs. You can also contact one of our board members and ask about our “Banner Sponsor” program. Please help support archery, our passion and the next generation of archers.
about you.